Omer Celik, one of the most important spokesmen
of the Turkish Justice and Development Party -the AKP of Erdogan- has just
declared that his government is determined to provide all kind of support to
the Turkmen of Syria "giving them the moral and material security that
they need to face their enemies".
Turkmen militias act between Jarablus y
Kobane in order to prevent Kurdish guerrillas from unifying the cantons of
Rojaba, avoiding any possibility of communication by land between the ISIS
troops and their Turkish leaders.
In that place the Turkish batteries shot
down a Russian airplane for "violating airspace for 17 seconds". One
of the pilots was rescued by Russian helicopters, while the other was murdered by
the Turkmen, who shot him while he was falling in a parachute.
The main NATO spokesman, Jens
Stoltenberg,immediately after the fall of the Russian bomber, declared that "we support Turkey and the
territorial integrity of our Turkish ally".
Why did they speak about territorial
integrity when this matter has not been mentioned by anybody in the middle of
the current Russian-Turkish tensions? What does this have to do with the
Russian plane shot down? Apparently, nothing; however, actually it has a lot to
do with the Kurds.
The guerrillas of that nationality -the
biggest in the world without an own state- have taken advantage of the crisis
of the national states of the Middle East and the divisions in the imperial
heights to gain ground in the border
region between Syria and Turkey , building their autonomous cantons.
This new regime, the "Democratic
Confederalism" is creating a dynamic that is threatening Erdogan's power,
as millions of Kurds are turning into the engine of the worker and popular
rebellion inside Turkey, where more than 20 million Kurds live.
An example of this are the events of Silvan, in Diyarbakir, where thousands of people in the
streets expelled Erdogan's army, organizing in this way the first great popular
rebellion of the Turkish southeast or north Kurdistan.
Beyond the reforming policies of their
leaders, as PPK and HDP,after defeating ISIS in Kobane the Kurds turned into
one of the vanguard detachment of the revolutionary process within Syria,
Iraq,Turkey, Palestine, Yemen, and is menacing to exploit in Iran.
World War?
All this happens in the context of what
several analysts have called "Third World War", as the fights between
the world powers -that are outsourced through "insurgent"or
"terrorist"forces- have done a leap in quality with the shot down of
Russian planes and the suicide attacks in Paris, Lebanon and Ankara.
For that, the USA support the Kurds and the
"free"Syrian army; Russia upholds Bashar; Erdogan gives weapons to
the Turkmen, ISIS and Barzani; Israel do the same with Al Qaeda; Iran fights
from Lebanon against Hezbollah; France, that used to support some factions of
FSA, now is willing to sustain Bashar...
In the context of the terrible weakness and crisis of the yankee
imperialism,everyone is fighting to control a strategic territory, not only for
the petrol, but because from there one of the most important gas pipes makes
its way to Europe, a continent that does not produce this vital supply.
This Third World War is not happening through
direct collisions between the major imperialist countries, which are limited
due to the lack of mass support, but also because they are threatening
themselves with the atomic weapons that can destroy each other.
These struggles cause similar situations as
those of the old wars, like the insurrection that led the Bolsheviks to the
power of Russia in 1917. The Rojava revolution is the ratification of this
The Kurdish people can continue taking
advantage of this situation, as the terrible fight between all their enemies
allow them to spread their "autonomy", and they could now have the
logistical support of Russia, a country that, to strike back the Turkish, would be able to give the
Kurds weapons and resources.
and realignments.
The meeting between Putin and Hollande to
"collaborate" against ISIS is the product of this situation that
divides, weakens and realigns forces. The same situation that caused the rise
of the tensions between the USA, France and Belgium owing to disagreements in
relation to the policies towards the refugees.
Obama agrees with Erdogan in the necessity
of getting rid of thousands of these, compelling them to emigrate to Europe; a
tactic that is also useful to the Turkey's president as a trading chart of his
promised entrance as an effective member of the European Union.
On the other hand, Hollande and the Belgian
are doing the best of themselves to avoid the entrance of new groups of Syrian and
Iraqi inmigrants. The attack to Paris was an event that was functional to this
policy... hence the complete "inefectiveness"of the French Secret
Putin agrees in one point with France,
reason why he holds a position a bit "harder", as the Russians fear
that the influence of ISIS could spread and strengthen within the former URSS
Muslim populated regions, as Chechnya, a place from where several ISIS combatants
come from.
The Turks have a
similar problem, but of opposite sign, as the Rojava revolution has entered
inside, pushing the worker's rise, and the social explosions in the Southeast,
as the rebellion of the people of Silvan and other cities where popular
assemblies and militias are appearing.
Crisis, polarization and radicalization.
The imperialists are
fighting to keep Syria and Iraq, deepening their divisions, a situation that
gets worse the economic situation, destabilizes these countries and causes the
radicalization of the worker movement worldwide.
This dynamic pushes the
left shift of several sectors, a process that showed itself -between other
examples- in the defeat of the Conservative wing of the English Labour Party, the return to
power of the alliance between socialists and comunists in Portugal after 40
years of rightist governments and the new general strikes in Greece.
The intensification of
repressive policies or the creation of fascist bands -as ISIS, the yankee
civil patrols that guard the Mexico border, the Ukrainian nazis or the Mexican
parapolice- are a response , still defensive, to face this revolutionary
This "hard" line
is combined with counterrevolutionary agreements between the World Powers, the
Church and the national governments, as the Obama's and Iran 5+1, the
agreements between the yankees, Castro and the Pope or the present
conversations in Vienna, that tend to guarantee a "transitional"way
out in Syria.
These policies have
been failing due to the incredible revolutionary situation that the world is
suffering, to the combination between the biggest economic crisis in the
capitalist's history, to the lack of an imperialist "single command",
to the rise of the struggles and the deep divisions between the representatives of tbe
This reality, that
enables the growth of the revolutionaries, has given several leaps after the
Lehman Brothers's fall in 2008, with the general strikes in Europe, the Zionist
defeat in the Gaza Strip and the kurdish triumphs in Kobane, Tal Abyad and
The crisis arrived to Argentina.
The global collapse is
causing expansive waves that are hitting our country, sinking it in a great
economic crisis, caused by the fall of the commodities'international prices and
the closure of the markets of China and Brazil.
This situation,
together with the great debt, the lack of industrialization of the productive
apparatus, the weakness of the social control mechanism- union
bureaucracy,political parties, etc.-and the worker's rise put and end to
The majority of the
workers and the people voted a faction of the opposition right wing, to punish
the right government that have ruled the country for more than ten years,
encouraging the explosion of harsh clashes within the kirchnerismo.
The electoral defeat of
the kirchnerismo is the product
-distorted- of the rise of the proletarian struggles but also of the
rupture of a part of the bourgeoisie with the K, situation that push the
construction of a new type of government.
This employers faction
-that supports the very "half-colonial model"- ousted the
representants of the bougeois sectors that led the state apparatus, imposing
their own representatives in the ministries, secretaries and other areas of the
new management headed by Macri.
The new Chancellor of
the Exchequer, Prat Gay, represents the Bank Morgan and other international
financial entities; the one of Energy, Aranguren, does the same with Shell.
Rabbi Bergman is an agent of the Zionist faction that is ruling Israel.
As Agriculture
Minister, the former president of Confederaciones Rurales, Ricardo Buryaile,
represents that agricultural sector; the new Minister of International
Relations, Susana Malcorra, comes from Telecom and the Head of Transport area
is related to the contractors that took a profit from the construction of the
Metrobus and other undertakings.
The Minister of Science
and Technology, Lino Barañao, who will continue in the position he had during Nestor
and Cristina's governments, represents their continuity, as he will go on
defending the interests of some of the monopolies that used to support the
Kirchners, as the toxic agrochemical supplier Monsanto.
We will also have to
study Moyano's movements, who, according to some journalists, came very close
to imposing his own people in the Ministry of Labour. The designation of Triaca,
the son of a bureaucrat coming from the Plastic Union- an union that has never
been close to Moyano-is a contradictory fact with this possibility, that still
remains open.
First crisis of Cambiemos.
The frictions
inter-bourgeoises have already had their expression within the new government
with the abrupt break -"for personal reasons"- of one of the creators
of Cambiemos, Ernesto Sanz, of the UCR, who could have been proposed by Techint
to occupy the Chief of Cabinet.
The Macri family, that
runs SOCMA and competes for the adjudication of public works with Sanz's
sponsor, might have banned that possibility.
Another reason could be the "peronizacion"of Macri and Vidal,
who might be trying to make deals with political and union leaders of the PJ to
guarantee the "governability".
Far away from this,
Macri and Michetti's government was born very weak, because it has a 50% of the
population that had voted against them and very few votes in favour: the majority
who chose them did not vote them but against Cristina!
The new government will
be weaker than the previous one becuse it will not have the "tailwind
"of the high international soya prices and it will immediately have to
make an adjustment, situation that will provoke an increase in the worker's
struggles, that will face it with hardness.
The union bureaucracy's
lack of authority and the frictions between the owners of the power- both
ruling and opponent- will help the workers to gain confidence, to radicalize
and to quickly assume the possibility of defeat their class enemies.
The left wing will have
the possibility of gaining influence only if they set themselves at the height
of the circumstances , raising a programme useful to build the General Strike and the Argentinazo necessary for
finishing with the adjustment and the new adjusters.
The struggle of the
workers of Cresta Roja could become into a step that in the future will make
the way for the future confrontations. What will happen there will be very
important for the wage battles that will take place after the opening labour
negotiations in March, as the one of
the teachers.
The figters must help
to build a favourable scene for the devolpment of these conflicts concentrating
our efforts and militancy in the task of
ensuring the solidarity with the workers
of Cresta Roja, assuming that if they win all those who fight will also win!
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