Convergencia Socialista of Argentina
First big chapter on Macri´s goverment countdown: A ghost
threatens Macri´s goverment, as we –thousans of young men and women, active
workers, retirees and members of uncountable workers organizations- could felt
when we gave the goverment a great defeat in the streets to their the intention
of voting in the parlament, a terrible Pension Funds reform. The ghost is the
Argentinazo´s ghost, that is just “round the corner” lined up with actual
situation that is stubbornly going in the way of refeaturing –and probably
upgrading- the great popular uprising that ended with De la Rúa´s government
Although they finally managed to impose quorum and vote
the regulations that will cut benefits and rights on retirement laws, the
government and the regime as a whole, had suffered a tremendous blow-up from
where they will not recover easily. A situation that, the mass movement, should
take advantage of, in order to go foward and take the offensive role. Last election results created on the goverment ranks a
feeling of exitism, that encouraged them to try impose this miserable changes
on pension funds laws, thinking this was “easy cake” and will allow them going
foward with other antipopular labour and taxes regultions reforms.
The forces relationship its still being unfavourable for
this goverment, that is pending exclusively on the union bureaucrats and
peronist “opposition” support, without which they would hopelessly fallen from
grace. On top of this we sholud add the catastrofic failure of the WTO Ministerial
meeting, that couldn´t boost any favorable resolutions to encourage the
"investments flow" claimed by the “big players” in order to
reactivate the capitalist economy, that is practically on the floor. Clear is
that, in spite of their weakness situation, they will try to go foward through
repression, acting as a “wounded beast” that more cornered is more dangerous
gets, as it was shown when excessively repressing Convergencia Socialista´s and
other organization columns in the demostrations against WTO meeting on last
december 12th.
However, in the same demonstration appeared the most
palpable evidence of the weakness of this government and its repressive
forces. Hundreds of people immediatelly
grouped at Callao and Corrientes (typical BA corner) to claim the release of
the majority of the militants who had been arrested in that place and also
imposed the members of the forces to back down bowing their heads. The fragile
situation of Macri´s goverment was even more evident 2 day after, when
thousands and thousands of people overflowed the Parlaments Square (Plaza de
los Dos Congresos) to reject changes in Pension fund laws, confronting harshly
with repressive forces and later with massive “cacerolazos” (people hitting
pans to demonstrate).
Was really historic to see the Square full of workers
columns, composed of metalworkers, teachers, public services wokers that
surpassed their traditional leadership and join the Left groups and other
combative organizations to face the heavy repressive operative. This conjunction
of forces (left and workers) will be more and more commonly seen and will tend
to deepen in the period just opened.
The “new laws” and probably a considerable part of the
goverment plan will go through. As an old troskist leader said “Economic counterrevolution
survives until –un just till- revolution definively wins”. However, forces
relationships have clearly changed, today its on people and working class side,
that started to recover barricades and other self-defending methods as the
valid way to get reed of this useless burocrats.
The palpable cooperation between left groups and workers
sectors has been the most important tool to make this trend grow. Now we need
to asume this situation and take it organizative conscious stage, building a
Coordination Forum. The revolutionary left parties and organizations should
–and have the best conditions to- lead and conduce this process to a new and
definitive Argentinazo, to a General Strike that could stop this misery policies
and their responsibles.
We, the socialist revolucionaries, are the most
conscecuent democrats, so we demand that it should be called a Constituent
Assembly –the most radical institution available for this burgeois democratic
regime- where people could directly discuss which kind of goverment we need to
solve the basic needs of great mayority of workers and poor people, and not
just limited to select their representatives. At that stage we will fight to
build an alternative of the ones that have never gonerned, the working class,
based on real democratic assemblies –on neibourhoods, schools, companies and
industries- expelling imperialists from the country, expropriating the big
capitalists, and focusing the enormous riches this country offers to serve to
the most neglected clases.
Second chapter: The government had back down with their
intention of imposing a criminal labour laws reform. A huge triunf of working
class and popular forces! As we mentioned up in this article, in spite the
goverment finally achieved voting Pension Funds reform, the political costs
were so big, that it should not be seen as a victory, even more it should be
analized as a clear political defeat. Why? The great combative and massive
demonstrations against Previsional reform (last december 18th) stopped the real
goals of this govermentent: to impose a tremendous defeat to the working class
trough the Labour laws reform they were planning!
Any time goverments “endures” supressing demonstrations
and imprisoning protesters, shows their weakness, that is the result of
economic failure, in other words, the exacerbation of the contradictions
between the upper classes and the working and popular classes that showed a
quality upgrade on the latest confrontations. This was clearly reflected at an article posted on Clarín
(one of the most popular local newspapers):
“Due to the luck of support of the
CGT (General Workers Confederation) and the extremnly tense scene that left as
a result of the parliamentary treatment of pension funds reform, the Goverment
decided to “freeze” the labour reform that pretended to “push forward” between
next february and march… Now the government officials are traying to negotiate
on a lower rythm, without forcing times, in order to avoid “false steps” and violent
journeys like the ones lived on last december.”
The attitude of CGT leaders doesn´t imply any kind of
“radicalization”, mainly they have assumed that if they let easely passtrougth
the labour laws reform, the left organizations –that showed their great ability
to call for the last demostration at the Parliament- could gain a exceptional
position to lead the political situation. That possibility terrifies both
burocrat traitor leaders and bussinesmen, or said in other words, goverment
The goverment is persuing through justice, a couple of
trade unión minor leaders, argumenting corruption charges. This actions does
not respond to a transparency policy. Macri and Triaca (labour ministry) are
trying to press the burocrat trade unión leaders to retain their role and aboid
the most terrifying scenario: the threat of the bases “passing over” their
traditional (traitor) leaderships, as was seen on the Parliament struggles on
december 18th.
The epic battle against Pension Funds reform opened a new
stage in Argentina´s politic situation, that definitely turns favorable for the
popular classes. The left and the sectors willing to fight to fight
determinately against restriction policies should take the opportunity to call
for a Congress, meeting or a kind of Natiional Assembly that could organize a
forceful and united fighting plan against this antipopular goverment and its
policies, that traitor leaders deny and will ever deny.
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